Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Common Sense

Why are we not punctual?
Is it fashion?
Is it a Habit?
Or is it all just lunacy?

I hate it when I have to wait for someone to arrive for a meeting that was ages ago. For once I should stop working with such ignorant time wasting people. Then I think who will be left after that? The answer always comes: No One. I have to see a person who would come on time for a meeting. The worst thing is that we blame it on others. I know that because I did that when I lost my car. I started complaining that I was getting late because of the other car which happens to be slightly larger than the one I lost.
When did I get to know the error of my ways?
It all happened when I had a talk with “Khergoush” (Rabbit) about that. I complained: “It is my cars fault that I am getting late to meetings these days”. The wise rabbit replied: “why don’t you leave a little early so you would get there in time.” Now that was use of “COMMON SENCE” which sadly I have none. I thank the angle bunny for correcting me J but sadly I would like to add that because of this I got into trouble once again.
Now you will be asking how? My reply: I got earlier to a meeting where the next person is always late L Now waiting outside his place I write this so you can learn form my mistake. I was bound to do this since I have no common sense I am suffering the curse

So in the end I would say BEG, BORROW, BUY or even STEAL common sense from where ever and who so ever you can get it from, never you will be in the pain, misery and agony of WAIT.

I did learn something from this all yet failed to seize the benefits of wait. Now you didn’t think that was coming, I would do so as I have no sense of any kind especially the not so common one. I asked and then could not wait a day for her answer. When what I said meant “I will be there for you for the rest of my life”. I should be really sorry as I kind of lied to her which I shouldn’t have.

Then what do u expect form me. 3:D

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