Friday, September 2, 2011

Should there be an all year Ramadan?

On the 14th roza I asked a friend of mine “dude lets have a party this weekend”. The friend replied “Istaghfirullah what are you talking about a party in Ramadan?” I replied “Dude what’s Ramadan got to do with a party”. Looking at me in anger friend says: Don’t you know that you are not supposed to party in Ramadan. Why I enquired. He said man its like you are not supposed to do commit any sin during this month.
Man don’t give me that shit about not committing any sin in Ramadan we do it all year long. His answer was “look I don’t know I just heard it and I believe it. You are supposed to do this as it kind of training for the rest of the year to be good or something”. If its to make us learn and practice something all year long then why don’t we do that. Why stop this month why not all the year, and if we can do it the rest of the year then why not this month? What u are saying don’t make sense I replied. Friend replied I just know you are not supposed to do any of this in this month.
This was just one friend, when I looked around I saw all my friend giving me the same shit and none knowing any good reason for it. Oh Great Dark Lord, the humans are in the right direction. I asked an angel the other day “how many sins of Muslims this month” he replied the highest. What@#54@&* ? Was my reply. I added Man what are you talking about isn’t this the month Muslims think they are not supposed to commit sin at all? He replied “no it should be all year long and Muslims do this as they have heard that during this month Allah decides their future. Ah so they try to fool HIM. Dint they know he does have the record of their lives? Who are these Muslims kidding? The angel told me that people will be sent to hell for doing this.
My Lord in the end it’s a great news for us we got more sinners coming our way.

"From the Shores of Gahanna”


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