Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Why in the world did we let a playboy become a leader and a role model

Sins leave then to a sinner cause he would know what is best. It does not mean you cannot commit it :)  But certain things and for certain people who have perfected then like a lawyer with his knowledge of law, a doctor with his knowledge of human anatomy, a media consultant with his knowledge about media. I would not ask a politician to fix my broken arm neither I would ask a soldier to give me a sound financial advice. I would always ask the right person the right question. Let the job be done by the one who knows it best.  

Can we ask a folk singer to run the country? the answer should be NO. 

So why in the world did we let a playboy become a leader and a role model for today's educated youth? EDUCATED FOOLS The answer comes to you right away. How many? A lot of them I tell you. All I ask is why couldn't you make me the leader of these hell bound souls? why find some schmuck has been cricketer and let him play the part.
Thinking about this I left on a long drive and saw something really amazing, every where I went I saw 7 to 15 candidates of the same constituency for the same party. The answer was crystal clear, YOU DON'T WANT ME DEAD.With so many potential candidates from the same party for the same constituency spending a lot of money from their own pockets will ever let their investments go down the drain. One of them will rise up and put a closure to this political derelict career or may very well to his feeble existence.

I apologize my lord for being rude and ignorant for you know what is best. May Hell be burning darker than ever when these EDUCATED FOOLS enter it.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Why do we need reasons not to work?

Today is a fine wonderful day. Wind blowing with a light drizzle. But I sit in my office waiting for a Deranged Director and a Demonic DOP. All set for the meeting with the script and my Evil Editor on his way. When all of a sudden my phone rings (Bell: "Evil Violin"). I look at the number its Says Demonic DOP. I answer it with "Hell O" When are you reaching office, the reply comes as a shock to me. He says its raining and I cannot come. I replied "A little Drizzle will not extinguish your fire, so come on my son and bring the deranged director with you".  My lord its such a gloomy weather, Dark skies people who did not want the Dark Garden Dam being Damned my the rains and floods. How can I say its a good weather. Its Gods wrath and I be scared"
I said not to worry my son I have here a very Sinister Script with lots of sinful things, So that the people of this country commit a little more. Dop replies: But my lord they are already doomed for hell why issue them more passes. The Dark Lords wants them in exclusive seats I replied.
We Both Laughed.
Now why did a little rain stop him from coming or was it that he did really feel the wrath of God on sinners.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Should there be an all year Ramadan?

On the 14th roza I asked a friend of mine “dude lets have a party this weekend”. The friend replied “Istaghfirullah what are you talking about a party in Ramadan?” I replied “Dude what’s Ramadan got to do with a party”. Looking at me in anger friend says: Don’t you know that you are not supposed to party in Ramadan. Why I enquired. He said man its like you are not supposed to do commit any sin during this month.
Man don’t give me that shit about not committing any sin in Ramadan we do it all year long. His answer was “look I don’t know I just heard it and I believe it. You are supposed to do this as it kind of training for the rest of the year to be good or something”. If its to make us learn and practice something all year long then why don’t we do that. Why stop this month why not all the year, and if we can do it the rest of the year then why not this month? What u are saying don’t make sense I replied. Friend replied I just know you are not supposed to do any of this in this month.
This was just one friend, when I looked around I saw all my friend giving me the same shit and none knowing any good reason for it. Oh Great Dark Lord, the humans are in the right direction. I asked an angel the other day “how many sins of Muslims this month” he replied the highest. What@#54@&* ? Was my reply. I added Man what are you talking about isn’t this the month Muslims think they are not supposed to commit sin at all? He replied “no it should be all year long and Muslims do this as they have heard that during this month Allah decides their future. Ah so they try to fool HIM. Dint they know he does have the record of their lives? Who are these Muslims kidding? The angel told me that people will be sent to hell for doing this.
My Lord in the end it’s a great news for us we got more sinners coming our way.

"From the Shores of Gahanna”

Kingdom Of Doom

We reach our hands towards the sky
And wait for the killing sign
So follow me through the desert night
As we prepare for the fight
No one knows what the future brings
It can all end tonight
So kneel down, pray to the sky
That we can make it through the night

Under the moon, this march of doom, it comes too soon
Under the sun, prophecy undone, the omen will come
Blood, fire, follow the fire in this funeral pyre
Killing time, slowly freezes what's left behind

They slaughter without mercy, killing frenzy starts
Stone cold bloody mercenaries to the death
Brimstone and fire falls from the sky
Doomsday comes crashing in the air tonight

Forever your soul will hold
What you could not control

Kingdom of hate, kingdom of pain
Kingdom of doom, kingdom of death

Enlighten yourself with my Daily Ramblings.

While I go for a walk on the shores of Gehinnom with Lucifer Satan, I get to see the real side of the dark world. These eye openers and his views on the happenings around the world, around us, No no no, not me and him but the world you live in. Yes this planet “Earth”. And this blog is about “YOU” who live here on earth and do God forsaken things, which I like. But some of you Do the hideous things. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Common Sense

Why are we not punctual?
Is it fashion?
Is it a Habit?
Or is it all just lunacy?

I hate it when I have to wait for someone to arrive for a meeting that was ages ago. For once I should stop working with such ignorant time wasting people. Then I think who will be left after that? The answer always comes: No One. I have to see a person who would come on time for a meeting. The worst thing is that we blame it on others. I know that because I did that when I lost my car. I started complaining that I was getting late because of the other car which happens to be slightly larger than the one I lost.
When did I get to know the error of my ways?
It all happened when I had a talk with “Khergoush” (Rabbit) about that. I complained: “It is my cars fault that I am getting late to meetings these days”. The wise rabbit replied: “why don’t you leave a little early so you would get there in time.” Now that was use of “COMMON SENCE” which sadly I have none. I thank the angle bunny for correcting me J but sadly I would like to add that because of this I got into trouble once again.
Now you will be asking how? My reply: I got earlier to a meeting where the next person is always late L Now waiting outside his place I write this so you can learn form my mistake. I was bound to do this since I have no common sense I am suffering the curse

So in the end I would say BEG, BORROW, BUY or even STEAL common sense from where ever and who so ever you can get it from, never you will be in the pain, misery and agony of WAIT.

I did learn something from this all yet failed to seize the benefits of wait. Now you didn’t think that was coming, I would do so as I have no sense of any kind especially the not so common one. I asked and then could not wait a day for her answer. When what I said meant “I will be there for you for the rest of my life”. I should be really sorry as I kind of lied to her which I shouldn’t have.

Then what do u expect form me. 3:D